We will inform you of the date of collection upon receipt of your request form.
Requesting Party 索取人
Name 姓名 ________________________________ |
Fax No. 傳真 _____________________________ |
*Organization 所屬機構 ______________________ |
Signature 簽署 ____________________________ |
Contact No. 電話 ___________________________ |
Date 日期 ________________________________ |
Remarks 備註 ________________________________________________________________________________
*Fill in when appropriate 適用時填寫
Note : The information contained in this form will only be used for processing the request for printed materials. The Department of Health reserves the right to decide on the quantity of materials provided.
註 :本表格內的資料只會用作處理索取印刷教材申請。衞生署保留決定所提供教材數量的權利。